Determining environmental protection is a key issue for the sustainable development of the business, so in production and business activities, environmental sanitation is always focused and paid top attention by Zhongbao.
Over the past years, Zhongbao has always strictly and fully complied with the provisions of the law on the environment. The company has built a system of rules and regulations on environmental protection and propagated to all officers and employees in the Company, strictly following the law.
Zhongbao always performs well environmental monitoring, periodically reporting to relevant authorities. Every year, the Company sends to the authorities the samples for analysis of exhaust gas, wastewater, solid waste, and environmental inspection. The test indicators are qualified as allowed. Zhongbao has built a system to treat exhaust gas, prevent noise, cool the factory … Every month, Zhongbao conducts periodic inspections of 5S with the following criteria: Screening, arranging, clean, caring, available. sieve. Industrial waste is classified according to 3R criteria to be easily recycled, resued or disposed of in accordance with the law.